Alex Jones creating even more right wing paranoia


Alex Jones yelling as usual

If this level of paranoia and ranting were about anything other than politics – he might be diagnosed with a medical condition and sent to therapy. Thousands of “Tea Party Patriots” would be. Why do we give paranoia a free pass in politics? I’m not saying he’s actually crazy, I think he’s just good at making money off of making people scared. But take his rants out of the context of an online talk show host… make it a random man on the street… how would society view that person? Sane? Responsible?

What is it about "politics" that gives people a free pass to be totally insane? Alex Jones creates conspiracy theories in exactly the same manner as some who has been clinically diagnosed with a mental disorder... so why does the Republican Party queitly let it continue to destroy what's left of sanity in their Party? Because it's the only way they seem to be able to raise money, apparently. Alex Jones isn't crazy, but he is grossly irresponsible: in the pursuit of making as much money as possible he doesn't care how much and what sort of damage he inflicts on the collective psyche of the country.
Published: by POLITUSIC | Updated: 04-21-2015 18:10:04
Article Excerpt:
Following the reveal that the IRS had been using keywords like “Patriot” and “Tea Party”  to identify social welfare organizations that required further review before being granted tax exempt status (which is totally logical by the way), I came across an article in Slate about the side effects of this “Worst Conspiracy in American History!!!!” The article looked at a robust group of protest-sign-sporting Tea Partiers who were having a grand ‘ole...