Trump Cancels His Debate. Won’t Moderate. “Might Run as Independent.” (Video)

The “Great Debate” is canceled by the Donald (so that he can pretend he might run for president like all the others and sell more books and plug his wonderful show).

Oh my, why should I be surprised: Donald Trump decided to cancel his planned “Great debate” that he was going to moderate because he claims that he still might run as an independent  if the Republican’s “pick the wrong candidate” But as he says, he has a big show and has lots of money, and oh! Did he mention that his show’s name? He much rather keep everyone on edge for sweeps week.

I guess we have to put Donald’s Trump name BACK on the list of “People who are hinting they are running for president, but really aren’t running for president, but are saying that they might, maybe, possibly do it so that they can get a lot of press and make more money.” … after all… he did mention his book…

So Says the Donald,

“It is very important to me that the right Republican candidate be chosen to defeat the failed and very destructive Obama Administration, but if that Republican, in my opinion, is not the right candidate, I am not willing to give up my right to run as an Independent candidate.”

Of course, the possible impact that only two Republican candidates actually agreed to attend the Donald Trump moderated debate was not mentioned in his video blog / statement / shouting confidently from his desk-ment.

The thought of a Tree Ring Circus, while entertaining when elephants are involved… wait… OK, lions, then… is not something I’d like to see in this particular election. I for one am not a massive fan of a two party system that has proven itself to be really good at accomplishing little more than deadlock, but at this particular juncture just because you’re rich doesn’t mean you’re in any way qualified to be President of the United states, but getting that message through to not only the electorate, but also these whacky wanna-be candidates is apparently not possible.

I’m sure the “debate” would have been thoroughly entertaining, so in that way I’m disappointed that it has been cancelled. But Donald… stop the “I might run” talk. It’s tried and tired, and anyone who pays attention beyond sound bytes knows that it’s a scam to enhance your bank account, not the county.

Category:  Politics     Tagged:
Published: by POLITUSIC | Updated: 12-14-2011 09:00:38


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