Democrats Will Lose The 2018 Midterm Election

This was written July, 2017. For updated 2018 midterm election analysis read: Why democrats will STILL lose the 2018 election.

Vintage photograph, race carsThe race is on and democrats will lose. Again.

For the 2018 midterm election, democrats have jumpstarted their way to another glorious night of high hopes and big losses. In my circle we vocalize that donkey phenomenon as, “PAAAHHH”  – or for the uninitiated – “Pulling A Hillary”1

The Democratic Party is basically NASCAR in its hay day: the cheering mob doesn’t anticipate the excitement of the final lap, but the horrific spectacle of the big crash.

Ahhhh, democrats; bless their lil’ hearts. They’re so cute – the way they get excited over and over again, only to have their bleeding hearts handed to them on election night. Excuse me: election nights… one must not ignore the plurality of Democratic Party reality.

Related: Democracy Dies When Elections Are Reactionary. Democrats will lose in 20182.  It’s time that all those democrats out there who rely on “The Resistance” come back to reality. Democrats will not win back the House. Nor will democrats a win a majority in the U.S. Senate. Their current election strategy and (ironically) preachy approach will accomplish nothing more than create a House of Representatives that perfectly reflects America’s gerrymandered districts, and a Senate akin to a near-sited turtle with sleep apnea and a collection of off-shore bank accounts3.

Democrats are losing the heart of America, and their 2018 election strategy will only make it worse.

While the Democratic National Committee searches far and wide (i.e. Orange County and Florida suburbs) for democrat candidates with military experience, The Majority is slipping away… again.

Early-adopter 2018 Democratic candidates are asking the wrong questions of moderate voters… no… that’s wrong. They aren’t even asking questions. As usual, democrats are telling voters what to think… no wonder over half of Americans think the Democratic Party is run by elitist, nitwit snowflakes.

The mighty Political Consultant Class has already focussed their $10,000 monthly retainer to a losing message: “I’m a fiscally conservative democrat who will serve as a check on Trump”.

“A check on Trump” won’t win Congress. The millions of voters democrats lost in 2016 all say they want to be inspired, and “a check on Trump” is about as far-removed from inspired as a chicken-flavored TV dinner with string beans as the side.

Flushing toilet, 2018As special elections kick off in 2017, “I’m a fiscally conservative democrat” is a hope, but that has never flipped a congressional district – let alone the gerrymandered districts drawn in 2012. That message is quite literally laughed at by life-long republicans. Moreover, as far as wallet-voting suburbanites are concerned, the Republican establishment is doing a perfectly good job keeping Trump in check while clandestinely lowering their taxes and fixing the courts.

If democrats in this country – regular, everyday democrats – have any power remaining in their weary souls, they should fire every political consultant and shun every candidate who has the audacity to enterprise that such balderdash might win back Congress in 2018.

Democrats need to stop telling voters that they can “be a check on Trump”.

Democrats need to stop telling voters what they should be and how they should act. Democrats must stop telling voters what America is and is not. Democrats need to stop protesting.

Democratic candidates need to ask republicans one question: Why are you a republican? 

Honestly… why?

Candidates need to wait at their front door and make moderates answer that question. If they answer, there’s a good chance of realizing their policy stances are better represented by donkeys than elephants. If you can start a real dialog – not a stale sales pitch – then they will convince themselves to vote for a democrat, which is the only way to break the entrenchments of political identity.

Create the conversation. Reminded them what democracy means. Remind them it’s not a reality TV show, a sporting event, a religion, or a war.

Force republicans to detail why they self-identify with the Republican Party – start a real conversation – then there’s a chance of winning in 2018.


1 Which has definitively surpassed, and therefore replaced, “jumping the shark”. (back)
2 Well… unless they listen to me, of course. (back)
3 NOT metaphorically. (back)
4 Paul Ryan doesn’t even have to mask his efforts, because the navel-gazing media is too busy swatting at presidential tweets like cats chasing pen lasers.


Category:  Editorial & Political Opinion     Tagged:
Published: by POLITUSIC | Updated: 10-09-2018 11:36:01


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