RNC Day 3: Romney Speech, Authentic, Business, Clint Eastwood, ObamaCare

Each speech of day three of the Republican National Convention covered below: Romney, Rubio, Clint Eastwood, and others.

UPDATE: If you’re looking for the black dot or star on Romney’s flag pin, we did some more research, you can find using that link.

Thus far the most entaining speech has been from a member of Romney’s cabinet while he was governor of MA. She called him “authentic” and “transparent” … (clear throat) … I don’t even know how to reply to that. All we need to do is look at all of the attacks from his fellow republicans during the primary and the countless changes on major issues like gay rights, abortion, by his own words, he “was an independent during Reagan Bush, I don’t want to go back to Reagan / Bush”… and a he even has called himself a progressive for years and years… until this election when he is now (and “always has been”) “severely conservative”… who has supported gays in the military, and was pro choice. Let’s just say I’m certain I’m not the only person who laughed at that one.

The RNC Theme Chant: “We Built It!”

Once again there were videos that prompted to crowd to do their chant for the entire week “we built it!” which continues to be amazing, because I’d bet a thousand dollars everyone in that arena knows that the clip they use is edited and that’s NOT what the president was saying. But once again on day three of the Republican National Convention, they chant “we built it”. The major theme of the RNC is founded on a lie and everyone knows it. Quite a way to show “authenticity, transparency” and being a man who works for the people and “tells it like it is.”

Clint Eastwood speaks at the RNC. Ever hear of the play “Harvey“?

That was hands down the strangest thing I have ever seen in political speaking. But I can say that ANY ONE… EVERY one of the characters that Clint Eastwood has played in his very good movies would have kicked Mitt Romney’s ass.

OK.. I can say more… that was just odd. Talking to an empty chair that was cursing at him. It almost felt like he was right on the cusp of going off what the republican Party would have deemed acceptable, didn’t it? Or a guy with a hook would come on to pull him off stage.

What just happened!?!?

Clint even had a “blow yourself” joke. All in all, it was nice to see someone who is not an extremist on stage. While some of the jokes were pushing it little bit, he was at least not a hater. He left it simply with “we gotta let him go”. But his speech was still sorta of strange.

Notable Clint Eastwood quotes from his RNC speech:

“There are other Republicans in Hollywood… I saw John Voight, for instance.”
“People were crying, even Opera was crying” (crowd laughs).
(in regards to Afganistan troops) “I think Mitt has a good idea about the troops, why don’t you just bring them out tomorrow morning?”

Update: someone apparently contacted POLITUSIC complaining about my use of “in regards to” above. They’re right, of course. “Regarding”, or even “in regard to” would have been proper… but  who cares? The logo for this web site is”BS” for crying out loud! It’s not the New York Times. I HOPE there are spelling and gramatical erros in every post, because that means people are typing vigorously and with emotion. 1200 words of me basically bitching about the RNC and someone takes the time contact the web site admin to insult my grammar. (Let us just say its tone wasn’t much like a supportive first grade teacher.) Of all the things to point out, “in regards to” was what they chose to target. Down right odd, that is… back to your regularly scheduled rant….

Marco Rubio’s Speech: Be Religious, or be not an American

Cheers for a point that I bet Rubio believes, but sadly not much of the republican base does; that their (the republican party’s) problem is not that they don’t think Obama isn’t a good person, but that they think he’s a bad president. Thank you, Rubio for a solid statement that’s not full of the usually hate that’s been the RNC for the last three days.

I have to revoke that kudos, however, as Rubio claims that Obama has been the player in Washington who is dividing the country and instilling fear in the country: we all know that’s the Republican party, not the President. That’s why Congress has a 9% approval rating.

I was a bit surprised and very disappointed at Rubios “all mighty God” section…  the key to the party, and the country. In Rubios words, “Faith in the creator is the most important American value of them all.” That bothers me a lot. It doesn’t surprise me, but it bothers be that it’s in prime time right before Mitt Romney….

What about the millions of people who are not Christians, or not practicing an organized religion, or not religious at all? Are they, as that quote implies, not welcome in America?

I say it again: the republican party has taken religion WAY too far into government and it will be the downfall of the party unless they pull back dramatically. “Separation of Church and State” is a deep, deep, founding belief of our country and is the one that they always overlook.

Mitt Romney’s Speech at the RNC

Nicely staged walk in like the state of the union, but that random crowd member that shouted “don’t touch me!” right before he went on the stage was a bit strange.

Does anyone know why there was a black dot on Mitt Romney’s flag pin? Seriously I can’t take my eyes off it.

5 minutes in, and I admit, for Mitt it’s a good speech thus far, and positive, not hateful. Thank you for that, Mitt. And a second nod you you, Mitt, for talking a little bit about being mormon and that it’s not that important. You’re right: it isn’t. I’m proud of you for finally, FINALLY, addressing the issue with your party.

I agree with you that women should have the same say in the direction and policy of the nation… now you just have to get your party to take their civil rights and personal privacy into account as well.

Your (and your party’s push) that Obama somehow “attacks” successful companies is sad, really. You know that’s not true. Your party knows that’s not true, but you know it rings with the base, so I give some leeway that you have to say it to get them riled up to knock on doors. I just wish you could have found a more honest way to do it. Part of your position as nominee is not just to win: it’s to honor the truth and tell people the truth, and get them over the lies that are deeply embedded in politics. Any candidate who can get people to listen and understand the truth is the one who deserves to win. You’re not there, and I don’t think you ever will be. Not because you’re not capable, but because it’s too late. Maybe the first time you ran for president, but not now. This time you had to give in to too many of the extremist to get this nomination.

Does Mitt Romney want to be president, or does he think he Deserves to be president?

This is my own read. There are people who run for president who really want it. There are some who feel that they might even be destined to be president. Some “had a talk with God” and were “told” that they should run for president. But I think Mitt Romney thinks he DESERVES to be president. That given his history, and his father, that being president is more of a birthright. He’s thinking more like a born prince and less like a person running for an office to serve a country.

Repeal Obamcare which is the same as Romneycare… and was supported by Romney.

Bashing throughout the night on Obamacare… which is based on Romneycare, Mitt Romney’s crown achievement as governor of MA. Mitt Romney even wrote an Op Ed BEFORE Obamacare was passed in which he “tells” President Obama that he should consider using a health insurance mandate, complete with tax penalties “like [Romney] did in Massachusetts”  Romney was HEPING Washington by means of writing about it and saying they should use a mandate, just like he did in MA, which ultimately Obamacare included to offset the health care costs… but not Romney shouts from a podium that he will repeal it… he basically wants to repeal his own bill just to make the republican base happy. There’s that “authenticity” of Mitt Romney shining through again.


Category:  Politics     Tagged:
Published: by POLITUSIC | Updated: 09-18-2012 08:57:25


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