Mitt Romney’s Class “Envy” Argument & Political Spin Will Backfire

“Politics of Envy” and accusations as tactics to win arguments – brought to you by republican politics.

So the verdict is in: “Envy” is the word that the Republican Party (and Romney in particular given his super-rich problem) will use as the counter argument for the Democrats’ use of “Fair Share”.

Beyond Romney’s poor “class envy” choice, an interesting characteristic of the Republican primary election keeps revealing itself: campaigns of the right have been unable to break out of this type of friction-based polarization as a counter argument to the democrats and President Obama (other than jumping like hungry insects onto the birth control /  freedom for the religious organizations). They don’t really have logical, direct responses to these issues.
This rather weak rebuttal tactic is all Republicans seem to be able to exercise of late: try to turn the argument by claiming democrats are calling for the symptom, particularly whenever they make a negative claim against republican policies (or in this election, the very wealthy by proxy as well, which is just too transparent to believe). The only argument on the offense republicans are using are preaching capitalism (or their interpretation of it), subtly promoting race-based discomfort, and relying on religious organizations coupled with very conservative social issues – VERY conservative social issues.

We all do it, honestly, when we can’t win a debate: when you can’t answer with a good argument, you respond with an accusation. This is not just a Mitt Romney method. However, the Right is doing it A LOT lately: when someone can’t logically win an argument, or a debate, or even a 5-minute interview – they just throw a phrase out there similar to, “This is what the Left always does. They claim civil liberties and rights are being violated when nothing is happening. It’s a shame. It’s a crying shame.”…. what? How does that ANSWER the point? It doesn’t. It’s doesn’t, but it’s a staple of conservative radio and television, and now the entire Republican party seems to be relying on it to stir up their fractured and unfocussed base.

It’s the “How Dare You!?” method of defense: attacking someone for being “so audacious and rude” to even mention the issue, then taking your ball and retreating as though you’ve won – even though nothing was actually said to make a point.

Continuing down the path of envy and accusations is going to backfire. I’ve seen it used an awful lot, and every time I hear it, it strikes me as a bad choice that boxes the Republican message into a small corner. Sadly, while Mitt Romney has backed off “envy” some, the rest of those on the right are continuing to run with it.

The new aspect of this election is that once you let a bad argument out of the cage: the “non-coordinated” super PACs run with it. Candidates need to be much more careful with their messaging.

Whoever encouraged using “envy”: fire them. Mitt, you’re the inevitable, right? Well, take out those pink slips you’re so fond of using and fire them. (More on “Family Driven” and “Family Focused” Republican politics.) While Mitt Romney has backed off the use of “class envy” slightly since South Carolina, it’s still fairly dominant in their attempt to turn the argument against the Democrats: that Democrats are the ones being divisive, being motivated by envy or trying to exploit the envy or “the poor” for whom we’ve seen Mitt Romney cares so deeply.

Mitt Romney and / or his campaign continue to back themselves into a corner by doubling and tripling down on what is basically a re-hash of the trickle-down economics coupled with the tired “liberals are godless” argument. We’re sick of it. The Republican messaging is horrible (to everyone EXCEPT the extreme right, anyway, who I’m sure are eating it up, but that won’t win the general).

Mitt Romney Class Envy: Nice Jet
Yeah… I envy a private jet because I imagine its a very nice way to travel – but that doesn’t quash the truth that everyone in the same society ought to pay their fair share.

With class envy, the problem is the connotation. I know “business people” aren’t very good at that implied meaning unless it’s in legal-ease buried in a contract, but nevertheless, being President means being able to communicate extremely well in even more intense situations… like… when bombs are involved. “Politics of Envy” very nearly spits on everyone else in this country who doesn’t fly in a private jet named Cathy (yeah… really).

This comes down to basics of society coupled with the Right’s ability to (or not to) THINK like someone other than a venture capitalist, Wall St. guru, or Fox News talking head. Remove the policies, just look at the basics of what it means to live in a society and interact with people in general. When was the last time that you got into, say, a really good argument with some emotion behind it, which is pretty much what the entire country is in right now and decided to use as a debating point, “Oh, you’re just envious” ? which is little more than one teenager telling another “You’re just jealous.” How’d that go for you? Did that unite the group, bring everyone together feeling good?  You have (had) a new debate coach, but your ability to “see” into other peoples’ experiences to understand the country is something that simply cannot be taught for a fee.

If Mitt Romney and Republicans decide to continue with this course of political argument (and from my point of view, go for it), then his campaign eventually going to get hit by a loss from the low-income section of the South who traditionally vote strick party line (their support is already soft due to the religion issue anyway). This demo alos has a lot of pride and protects their family – they don’t like to be insulted. They won’t vote for President Obama, but they won’t vote for you, either.

I know you’ll (speaking to Mitt, now) never understand this, but to claim that others “envy” anyone else (who in this case is YOU) – that’s an insult. You’re trying to project that insult onto the Democrats by claiming they’re calling for the symptom, but it’s not going to work. It won’t work because that’s not what the Democrats are saying, and more importantly: YOU’RE the one everyone is seeing saying that the 99% envies… you.

… but then again, Santorum won all three states on February 7th. Fractured, confused and chaotic Republican base.

My message to Mitt (who I’m certain is not listening): Envy…. THAT is what you picked. The majority of Republicans do NOT support you, Willard Mitt Romney – you might not want to stir up a very large majority of them who are not rich… most of them. To say that everyone who is not rich is begging to Envy is to insult the 99%, whether you think it or not, it does.

Hire new advisers, dude. Your history makes it next to impossible to truly understand what it’s like to wonder if you can pay your bills each month, but at least new advisers can help prevent you from using this sort of stuff – but of course, as a Democrat: go for it. Stay the course, my friend.

Category:  Politics     Tagged: , ,
Published: by POLITUSIC | Updated: 09-10-2012 08:23:19


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