Mitt Romney Picks Paul Ryan as VP. Cowers to Extreme Republican Base Once Again.

Mitt Romney & Paul Ryan on Stage. Let them eat cake.Romney picks Ryan…. Granted the other options were too boring, but Paul Ryan is the guy who the Catholic church has even gone after because his budget is immoral “The Ryan Budget” is cruel to poor people.

Literally: the Paul Ryan budget is immoral. Ryan wants to end Medicare and slash basically every program that protects people who are having a really hard time, but the Republican base doesn’t care about people, they only care about their damn taxes and abortion. It’s amazing.

Once again Willard Mitt Romney cowers to the Republican base and proves he’s a coward who cannot stand up for anyone or anything other than what the Republican base demands.

Mitt Romney wants to protect the rich, and Paul Ryan wants to flog the poor. What a combination for the 2012 Republican Presidential Ticket: the wealth accumulation at all costs stiff who owns a $3M dancing horse and a lying routine… who is running with the poor-people-hater (NOT one-eyed, nor purple) with a Fox-News-made-famous workout routine, and a red flag from the Catholic Church.

Good image, Republican Party. But it does further show how you believe money will win this election. Lord help us if you actually do, though.

Mitt Romney VP pick, but campaign doesn't know it yet? TypicalSIDE NOTE:
Again, and again, the Mitt Romney campaign shows it’s just “not quite right” and definitely not together when it comes to organization on a high tech level (remember all the misspellings on their App?) Maybe THAT’S why they picked Paul Ryan: he has the easiest name to spell, so the campaign probably won’t screw up the bumper stickers: Romney / Ryan: Stick it to the Poor in 2012!

I mention the tech problem, though, because of this second image (screenshot): The announcement was made awhile ago, and yet look at the ad that runs in this very article once it was posted…. Romney Campaign: always a step behind.

Romney… what the hell are you thinking? Seriously? When the election has started to boil down to whether or not the people running the country have empathy, and at least an ability to understand how the non-elites live (and how they need some help, no matter how embarrassed they are to have to ask for it)

From on how the Ryan pick can potentially move the vital independents AWAY from voting Republican-land: “Ryan is loved by conservatives, but he makes moderate Republicans nervous. “We’ve switched the campaign from being about jobs and Obama’s bad record to one about Paul Ryan’s Medicare plans,” said one Republican strategist, echoing the sentiment of several I interviewed. The Romney team argues that swing state independent voters will see the new policy focus as a road out of their current economic woes. Some Republican strategists think it’s a gift to the Obama campaign.

I know that the Romney campaign looks at Paul Ryan as their VP pick and see two things: Youth and support of the rabid base. Once again that shows that Romney is a coward. He cannot stand up to the base, and his campaign is, as usual, missing the point. Mitt, there are already enough right wing wackos running for congress, senate, and for state-level positions to bring out the vote for the Republican base. You don’t need to pick the King of killing medicare as your VP running mate to get them our of their houses. To win, you need INDEPENDANTS, and Republicans or Democrats who are smart enough to vote for who they think is best for the job, not just party lines like 90% of this country. Picking Paul Ryan, who wants to turn medicare into a damn coupon system, puts a massive burden for you to win the votes of anyone who has a free thought, an impossible for anyone who actually follows policy and not just 10 second news blurbs on Fox.

Democrats, once again the Mitt Romney campaign has given you a huge gift. I’ve lost track of how many times this campaign has screw up… and basically they don’t care because it’s 100% clear now that the only thing they believe is that Americans are stupid, and money buys votes. The Romney campaign believes in nothing, owns up to nothing, lies about virtually everything… all that, coupled with picking the man behind the most immoral US budget ever written, Paul Ryan, as a VP running mate: the ONLY thing they believe is money buys votes of idiot voters.


His pick isn’t just bold: it makes a statement about WHAT SORT OF POLICY that a Mitt Romney administration (that thought is horrifying) would push.

It’s about policy.

Category:  Politics     Tagged:
Published: by POLITUSIC | Updated: 08-17-2012 13:31:55


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