Democrats are Lazy

Democrats are lazyI’ve already talked about how democrats want free stuff, so it’s about time I also tell you why: democrats are lazy.

I know all those liberals and Hollywood types out there will throw up their arms and say I’m crazy. But this isn’t about race, and it isn’t about fairness or affirmative action or any of that crap. This is about truth: democrats are lazy. Watch any news program and listen to any radio show and you’ll find out it’s the truth.

Democrats are lazy because the government made them that way

Why are democrats lazy? Because government has made them that way. They don’t want to work a full day and a full week, so they get government assistance. Things like food stamps and free housing and free cell phones. All that free stuff the makes people lazy. They don’t want to work because they’ve never had to. Some of these people were born into that: always getting government cheese. They’ve always had help, so why work, right? If you don’t have to, why would you? They’re all fat, lazy, drunk and on welfare. Every one of them. Put ’em to work.

Now look, I know that “the poor” aren’t always lazy. But all these claims that there are these alleged “working poor” who have more than one job, but still need government assistance. Ha! That’s bogus. I had only one job my entire life, and I never needed help. A real job is plenty to pay off your mortgage, have food, a car, and even put a little away for retirement. All that “working poor” stuff is a myth. I had my one job and I bought my own house and have owned it outright for over 30 years. “Working poor”… yeah right. That’s just Hollywood propaganda or liberal media trying to pull the wool over your eyes. Wake up America: the main stream media is not to be trusted. This working poor junk democrats always use is just to keep up the giveaways by Obama and Nancy Pelosi.

Democrats are lazy because they don’t vote

You know why else democrats are lazy? Because they don’t vote. You know, the way I see things going these days, I wouldn’t be surprised if there are a lot more democrats in this country than republicans. I mean, just look around and what do you see? The thing is, though: none of them vote. Thankfully, democrats are soooo lazy from getting all the free stuff without having to work that they don’t even go out and vote for the socialist politicians that gave to to them! Ha! Democrats are amazing, I tell you. Won’t even get off the couch and vote for the hand that feeds them.

Democrats are lazy because they want to avoid making tough choices

You know why else democrats are lazy? Because they don’t want to make the hard decisions. It’s like they’re scared so they just do nothing and hang out. Like this thing with Russia now. We got people shooting down civilian airplanes – commercial airliners, and what is that Obama doing about it? Nothing. Oh yeah, I forgot: he put in more sanctions. Ha! Whatever Obama, whatever.

Since democrats are too weak to man-up and make hard choices they just wait. They think like Mr. Professor Obama. They think about it and maybe “evolve” on whatever it is they’re thinking about, but they don’t do anything. Democrats aren’t people of action. That lack of action also makes them look lazy, which as we can see all the other countries seem to be taking advantage of lately. America is weak because of Obama’s laziness. This is what happens when you have a lazy president. Happy you voted for him yet? Ha!

Now that McCain, though. He’s been saying all along to arm the rebels. That man knows what he’s talking about. Man of action. He ain’t lazy.

It really does rile me up, though. That fact that all these people in this country are so blind to the truth. I don’t know why they can’t see it. This country is on the brink, and they don’t even see it. Lazy democrats just sit there and collect their free health care and free food. Lazy, food stamp bums. Just wait, you’ll be sorry if you don’t react to all the warning signs. Yes sire, you may think I’m crazy to prepare when it all hits the fan, but you’ll be the ones who are sorry because you didn’t see it coming.

Category:  Democrats     Tagged: ,
Published: by POLITUSIC | Updated: 04-21-2015 17:39:40


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