Prowler 4-wheel Mobility Scooter, Silver, Outdoor


Prowler 4-wheel mobility scooter, silver

Prowler 4-wheel Scooter ($2500-2700)

Speed: 7mph
Range: 23 miles
Weight capacity: 500 pounds
Ground clearance: 5 inches
Climbing angle: 7.5 degrees
12 inch tires
Published: by POLITUSIC | Updated: 02-25-2017 11:32:12
Article Excerpt:
In this article we compare the most popular brands of mobility scooters by price (click the link to quickly jump to each mobility scooter price range): mobility scooters under $1000, mobility scooters $1000-$2000, and mobility scooters over $2000. Mobility scooters make a huge difference in quality of life. There are hundreds of models you can buy, and knowing which is best isn’t always clear. Smaller, three-wheel designs, for example, make good indoor...