Rush Limbaugh Children’s Book: Rush Revere and the Brave Pilgrims


Rush Limbaugh the Brave Pilgrim book cover

Rush Revere and the Brave Pilgrims: Time-Travel Adventures with Exceptional Americans… and a bobblehead

Published: by POLITUSIC | Updated: 07-02-2014 14:41:26
Article Excerpt:
Related Article: Democratic Satire vs. Republican Conspiracies In his new children’s book, only a dedicated man like Rush Limbaugh could cartoon his head onto Paul Revere and still keep a straight face. Before detailing Limbaugh’s latest far-right review of history: for those who live outside of the republican bubble it’s important to know that “Rush Revere” is a common sales tool Limbaugh employs for all demographics, not just for children of the 21st...