Favorite Search: How democrats are ruining the American way

Democrats whine, cower, and adapt. Republicans shout, point fingers, and build bunkers. That basically sums up The American Way of the 21st Century. Both sides are drinking their own kool aid. The difference is democrats drink it from a wine glass, while republicans drink it from inside a lead-lined bunker – terrified and angry because, just like their grandparents felt, times and culture have changed and left them behind. That anger combined with a total lack or reality in right-wing media and the insane belief deep in the right-wing consciousness that when a person disagrees with an idea it means they want to destroy it has brought America where it is today: dumbfounded at those sorry people lost in the dark and scary world of Republicanland and its monetization of politics machine.

Old Americana Sign with democratic donkey protesting the old ways

To be fair, I should probably mention something: this post is visited all day long by angry republicans falling more into the “hard right” category who are searching for reasons why “democrats are ruining America“. It’s a novel aspect of the modern extreme right wing: search for self-justification on the Internet. Many still don’t understand that if you go to Google and search, “why democrats are ruining America”, that those are the results they’ll get – search engines don’t play politics so they don’t offer counter-arguments, or in the case of the paranoid within Republicanland: facts to counter the absurdity created by right-wing media in order to sell gold coins and patriotic ties. The search engine has single-handedly closed and sealed the hatch of the right-wing echo chamber.

Those occupying the hard right are told all day long by their obscure radio and TV that democrats are ruining America, yet not one knows real reasons why… which is why they keep searching for “democrats destroy everything” blog posts. Nevertheless, keep reading. There are important things to be said about ruining the American way, and if you think what I write is wrong: comment on it. Prove your position using well-thought-out arguments that contain facts. Being biased is good in this country, but being a parrot for an extreme wing is not. Are you a smart American who thinks for yourself, or are you an American who simply believes what you’re told in the republican media bubble because demonizing democrats is good for business? Like I said: prove me wrong. We need intelligence brought back to this country, not just Sean Hannity, Glenn Beck style, Tea Party fanaticism where all people do is yell at one another with no depth to their political beliefs other than hating “the other guy.”

These types of “democrats will destroy the world!!!” Internet searches continue to come into POLITUSIC – the far right paranoia and fear of change are impressive  indeed, and it’s time that those who are performing such searches online start understanding the irony of your doing so.

While I know that the republican brain loves conspiracies… sorry to break it to you, but it’s simply not true: Democrats are not destroying the country – they simply accept the fact that the world turns, the galaxy spins, the Universe expands, and things change. Furthermore, no political ideology is “destroying America” it’s all just rancor and rhetoric designed to keep you angry and buy products. The very definition of Conservatism is to resist change, which is where all of the anger and paranoia come from (that and a serious lack of the facts).

People change, empires fall, and humanity moves on. Heck, even gods change .(If you deny that fact than you have a very serious ego problem).

Democrats also tend to care about people who exist outside their own immediate circle of experiences… which apparently is an impossibility for most extreme, far right republicans, and therefore a trigger for all these “ruin all things American!!” tag lines by the far-right media, bumper sticker and commemorative plate makers.

The answer remains the same: democrats are not ruining the American way… it’s people who think and SHOUT that democrats are ruining the American way who are ruining the American way. (I know that’s a complicated sentence, but give it some leeway; we’re not dealing with sane issues here.) It’s the paranoia and fighting against ghosts that’s causing political and sociological tension, which has lead to the current dysfunction of US government (let alone family dinners).

However, there’s another aspect of the “the far right hates Obama and all democrats” story in this country that is peeking its head out of the molehill. It has to do with the fact that more and more people are sitting down at their web browsers and actually taking the time to search for reasons why democrats and Obama are ruining the United States of America. That’s actually a good thing.

I used to think that was bad: that more people were being paranoid… but maybe we should look at it as an opportunity – maybe they’re no longer taking the extreme right wing media talking points at face value, which is why the searchings for “how” democrats are destroying America has been increasing.

There are two ways to interpret what the increase of such searching means: either they’re not so certain anymore, or they are finally asking the question for themselves rather than taking it at face value from those who spew such things on right-wing radio, television, and blogs.

Both of those options are promising. The best thing that can ever happen when there is an entire pocket of a country who is totally out of touch with reality due to the republican information bubble their political party has created… is that those lost souls start thinking for themselves. They start searching and researching for themselves – they start to educate themselves and think on their own.

That, my friends, is promising.

I used to get very frustrated and a wee bit angry whenever I saw these sorts of “democrats will destroy America!!!” searches happening online. “How in the world can these people actually believe this crap?!?” (I would proclaim) But now… now that we see a trend of these searches increasing there’s the slightest chance that people who believe the insanity are starting to doubt… and starting to ask “How?” which is always the first step.

As such: there is a job for all the rest of us: make sure they find the correct information: without conspiracy theories and without hate and without flat out lies to sell someone a bunker, a gun, or a 50 gallon barrel full of mayonnaise.

The far right still controls the Internet because besides Fox News, it’s the only place where they can post the wacky theories about the end of the world brought on by Obama and the democrats. As such… when people search online, they mostly encounter lies and products. It’s our job to write, and post, and comment, and direct towards facts, not fervor.

The lost are starting to seek out the Truth: we cannot let them down. Start writing, start posting, start talking and start sharing. Share FACTS and not conspiracies everywhere you can. The more you do, the better chance we have or regaining sanity in this country.

Category:  Malarkey, The Best     Tagged:
Published: by POLITUSIC | Updated: 04-30-2015 09:18:18


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