POLITUSICPOLITUSIC is a viewpoint on the world. It’s opinion buried in metaphor, laced with research, driven by rhythm, and written as if to be spoken aloud. We don’t claim to be a news source as declare unqualified-many, but we do give people something to chew… spit or swallow is entirely up to you.

POLITUSIC isn’t easy to read. We believe Grammar’s purpose is to create rhythm – not conform to rules.

POLITUSIC is left-handed, biased, and likes to argue.

Arguing is a good thing.

POLITUSIC sees things as they ought to be more than how they are. Some people call that optimistic idealism, but in reality and practice, it simply means being a terrible speller and even worse editor.

Visitors are encouraged to comment on posts using facebook accounts. The tenor can be as strong as you want so long as it has a inkling of original thought and isn’t down right mean. If you think the argument being made is full of crap: explain why, give proof and be smart about it, otherwise don’t waste our time.

POLITUSIC is not a place for bobbing heads and talking points. Try it, and if our time and desire permit a real dialog, you’ll end up looking like a darn fool.

POLITUSIC is immature, but immature does not mean dumb or naive. Immature means not being stuck in the concrete of our own personal history. It means believing that new ideas are exciting, not scary. It means embracing discovery over comfort and change over the status quo, because if a thing isn’t changing – that means it’s dead.

POLITUSIC likes snarky, sassy, sarcastic, and bold. Political correctness does not belong here, but truth does (or at least whatever your version of the truth may be.)

…oh… and most of the time we have no idea what we’re talking about… but neither does anyone else. Welcome to being human.

Note on Images: photos get shared and put into posts – it’s the Internet. It happens. Mostly images are of bands, people, shots of studios, etc. These are for fans appreciation or for a making a reference. If you find one of your photos posted here, don’t get all riled up and cause a ruckus – just politely use the contact form to let us know where it is. We’ll take it down or make sure it’s properly credited; whichever you want.

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