GOP Barnstorming For The Brainless

brainless GOP political zombiesOnce again the Republicans in the House are trumpeting that they are locking in cuts and trying to defund Obamacare. To see the absurdity and futility of it all, you need only look at a recent statement made by the Speaker of the House, John Boehner, on the issue, “We’re going to continue to do everything we can to repeal the president’s failed healthcare law…

The stupidity abound astounds.

I know John Boehner is smarter than he lets on, but the problem is he has no power over his kindergarten class, nor their hate-mongering voter blocks. And so we are left with another “showdown” in Congress that will get us slowly to nowhere, but make the people who foster hate for a living feel better about themselves.

Boehner has punted the issue to Ted Cruz (who won’t get anywhere) for yet another attack on the Affordable Care Act (ObamaCare), and the first steps they’ve taken seems to be appointing blame for the failure before the debate has even begun! (But we are all guaranteed that the fund raising emails all went out today without any shame in their tone.) Republican Party politics is not governing. It’s a fundraising circus. It’s a business. It’s a joke. And the members in its audience, sitting in the hot and sweaty tent of Republicanland, have no clue how much their ignorance is being exploited for the personal gain of their congressional Tea Party saviors.

Oh yes, and it should be mentioned that the law is not a “failed law” (yet, anyway), because the largest part hasn’t even gone into effect yet! It can’t fail if it hasn’t started. What hasn’t yet started are the exchange programs, which have not been delayed as the far right wing media would like you do believe (if for no other reason that Obama bashing is a sport that increases viewership). The health care exchanges in the states have always been scheduled to start enrolling on October, and kick in in 2014.

Have there been some speed bumps and delays in other areas? Of course there have (how could there not when you have an entire political party doing everything they can to confuse the issue). All the hoopla combined with it being a bit change will cause problems, that doesn’t mean “it’s a failed law”, that just means that it exists in reality. The opponents rant against Obamacare not because they give a crap about health care (let alone the health of their constituents), but because they know it will raise campaign money from their rabid and poorly educated political base. (Note: I mean poorly education not in reference college  vs. high school; I mean poorly educated because they are given incorrect information from their beloved far right media outlets: the republican bubble, which is nothing more than a product selling machine).

Yet, Congress is threatening yet again to defund Obamacare and hold the budget hostage unless the world pays attention to their child-like tantrums long enough to send a fundraising email. The thing that these brainless Tea Party nit-wits don’t understand is that the rest of the world does pay attention. (You would pay attention too, if from another country there were nothing but tantrum-throwing government officials sitting on stockpiles of the scariest weapons in the known Universe.)

These hissy-fits of the far right are also why the credit rating of the country is a new concern of modern American government, which is has never been since… ever. The singular reason why the US’s credit with the world is in a more precarious state is because of republican nimrods in Congress who believe that “NO COMPROMISE!” and calling the President names makes them patriots of the southern state. These people are idiots.

On one hand, I am happy that the republicans in Congress continue to show how incompetent they are, because the more they do that, the more the chance increases that democrats can win back Congress in 2014. But on the other, unless the cycle breaks, the break with reality that republicans in Congress are feeding to their constituents will become concrete in their culture – and that’s very bad in the long run.

It makes me sad, and sadness always tends towards anger directed towards the futility, and cartoon-like reality that the extreme right has ushered into the United States government. It’s so absurd that it almost doesn’t feel real, doesn’t it? See, therein lies the problem: so many of us who exist outside of Republicanland view it as theater of the absurd, and so we allow it to continue – that’s where we’re going wrong. Ignoring the crazy means we’re condoning it. Once crazy is allowed to be part of a social culture for a generational cycle (or two), then it becomes a permanent fixture. At the issue’s core, it’s the democrats’ fault that the far right is so out of hand.

Our government has always had pockets of corruption and stupidity; that’s what happens when power and money combine for long periods of time, but the Tea Party coupled with a Speaker of the House who is wholly incapable of controlling the republican caucus has made a joke out of America. It used to be that people overseas simply laughed at Americans because we’re arrogant, entitled, greedy, and clueless of how good we really have it in this life… now they laugh at us because we’re ignorant, bigoted blind men who can’t tie our shoes because we’re too busy hating one another and buying into the lies that we’re being sold.

I miss the old days when all American citizens had to do was apologize to the world for sex scandals and the occasional embezzlement indictment of our politicians. Now we have to apologize for their complete incompetence and lack of attachment to reality. That’s what the Tea Party and a weak GOP leadership have brought this country. Now they show it once again by threatening – yet again – to get rid of Obamacare when it is the one thing on the table in Washington that could actually save them if they weren’t so damn stupid to see it.


Category:  Rants     Tagged: ,
Published: by POLITUSIC | Updated: 07-02-2014 08:17:56


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